Scottsdale Left Turn Accident Lawyer

Left turn traffic signal

How to Win a Left Turn Accident Case? Proving Not at Fault in a Car Accident

Left turn accidents are often deadly or result in serious injuries to the victim. At least one vehicle may be traveling at a high rate of speed. If the vehicles collide, there are often catastrophic injuries. For these reasons, many people experience anxiety and a slight degree of fear as they make left turns on busy roadways.

Insurance companies understand the damage caused by accidents involving left turns. Therefore, they fight left turn collision claims vigorously. It may be wise to seek legal representation because an injury lawyer can investigate the cause of your left turn accident and help establish which driver was at fault. If you or a loved one was injured in a left turn accident, an experienced Scottsdale left turn accident lawyer can protect your rights. You deserve to receive full compensation for all injuries and damages. Call 480-802-8232 for a free consultation with an attorney who handles left turn accident cases.

Rules of the Road

All states have traffic laws that establish proper driving procedures. These laws include right-of-way principles when a driver is making a left hand turn. States recognize that making a left hand turn is a dangerous driving maneuver because the driver is turning into a lane with fast-moving traffic from the opposite direction.

The right-of-way rule in Arizona is that the driver turning left in an intersection with the intent to turn left must yield the right-of-way to a vehicle that is approaching the intersection from the opposite direction. If another driver is in the intersection or is approaching the intersection, the driver turning left must yield. This rule puts the responsibility in the hands of drivers turning left. Even if the driver has a green light or a green arrow, the driver has the responsibility to ensure that he or she can make the turn without causing an immediate hazard.

Common Causes of Left Turn Accidents

Drivers turning left should not make a left turn if there is any likelihood that a vehicle approaching in the opposite direction may collide with them. The driver making the left turn is often held liable for the accident because they make the turn when it is not safe to do so.

However, the actions of the other driver may contribute to the accident. Another driver may be partially at fault. For example, these principles may apply if the other driver ran a red light. The other driver may have been driving in excess of the speed limit. The other driver may have been distracted by talking on a cell phone or texting while driving. He or she might have been impaired by drugs, alcohol or over the counter medication.

Arizona’s Comparative Negligence Laws

All states use some type of comparative negligence or contributory negligence laws to deal with cases that involve the negligence of more than one party. In some states, if the victim contributed to the accident to any degree, he or she is completely barred from recovery. In other states, if the victim was more than 50 percent at fault in an accident, he or she cannot sue the other driver.

Arizona law uses another approach. Arizona uses comparative negligence principles. Under this legal doctrine, if a victim is partially at fault for the auto accident, he or she can still recover. This principle applies even if the victim was 99 percent at fault. However, the victim’s degree of fault reduces the amount of damages that he or she can receive. For example, if the victim was responsible for the accident by 40 percent and sustained damages of $100,0000, this award is reduced to $60,000. However, Arizona law does not allow the victim to recover if he or she intentionally caused or contributed to the injury.

In the event that two or more people are responsible for the accident, the responsibility for paying the victim’s damages is shared between these at-fault parties.

Proving Car Accident Fault in Left Turn Collisions

The victim must be able to prove that the other driver was at least partially at fault for the accident to recover any compensation. However, this can often be difficult to prove if the victim is the person who was making the left turn. This driver is usually found at least partially at fault for the car accident by default. Therefore, the victim must usually obtain evidence to show that the other driver was also partially at fault.

Proving fault in car accident cases is often difficult. However, the following pieces of evidence may aid in this pursuit:

  • Police Report – After an accident occurs, it is important to report the accident to the police. A police officer will usually come to the scene of the crime and prepare a report. This report may include the observations of the police officer. He or she may note skid marks or that the other driver was speeding.
  • Witness Statements – There may have been other motorists at the same intersection where the accident occurred. Witnesses may be able to provide details about the accident. They may state that the driver making the left turn did so when there was another vehicle approaching the intersection. They may state that the other driver was speeding or failed to promptly brake.
  • Intersection Cameras – Traffic cameras may have recorded the actual events leading up to the accident.
  • Property Damage – Sometimes the location and extent of the damage may indicate how the accident happened or if contributing factors like speed were present in the accident.

Legal Assistance for Left Turn Accident Victims

If you have been injured in a left turn accident, it is important that you consult with an experienced attorney. The law firm of Amar Esq. PLLC represents accident victims and pursues compensation for the damages they have suffered. Our law office can review the details of your case and explain your legal options. A free initial consultation can help you learn about how to proceed with your claim.

Call 480-802-8232 to schedule a free consultation with a Scottsdale left turn accident lawyer.