Scottsdale Boat Accident Attorney

Scottsdale boating accident attorney.

Scottsdale Boat Accident Lawyer Representing Injured Victims

Sadly, most boating accidents are preventable. However, most boat accidents are caused by the negligence of the boat’s operator or the negligence of a third party. When people are injured in a boat accident, they may be entitled to seek compensation for their injuries from the party responsible for the accident. However, boat accidents can be complex and may involve certain maritime laws. Boat crash victims should consult an experienced Scottsdale boat accident attorney to inquire about their legal rights for holding the party that caused their injuries responsible.

Examples of Boat Accidents in Arizona

A boat accident can occur at any time and a variety of places. For example, an accident or injury may occur at the boat dock while a passenger is getting onto or off a boat. An injury may occur when the boat is anchored, and passengers are swimming near the boat or sunbathing on the boat. Boating injuries can also occur when the boat is in motion or just standing still.

Some of the common types of boat accidents that our Scottsdale boat accident lawyer handles include:

  • Falling overboard
  • Collisions with other boats or vessels
  • Crashing into fixed objects
  • Grounding
  • Flooding
  • Slip and falls aboard the boat or on the dock
  • Capsizing
  • Wake damage
  • Striking objects that are underwater
  • Explosions and fires
  • Sinking boats
  • Water skiing or pulling floats
  • Injuries caused by contact with the propellers or motor of a boat

Victims of boat accidents should consult with a Scottsdale boating accident lawyer to determine the cause of the accident. The cause of the accident indicates who may ultimately be responsible for the damages caused.

Liable Parties for a Boat Accident

Some of the parties who may be liable for a boating accident include:

  • Operator or Owner — Examples include failing to maintain the boat, drunk driving, reckless driving, speeding, overcrowding, and failing to carry safety equipment
  • Manufacturers and Dealers — Product liability claims for defective parts
  • Owners of Docks for failing to maintain safe premises
  • Third Parties for crashing into the boat or causing an accident

Contact an Arizona Boat Accident Lawyer for Assistance

Contact our firm at 480-802-8232 to request a free consultation and no obligation case evaluation.